Monday, July 30, 2018

Farewell and Becoming "Elder Fawcett"

On July 15, 2018, Elder Tanner Fawcett had the rare opportunity to share his Missionary Farewell with not only his Older Brother Taylor who just returned from serving in the Cusco Peru Mission but also with his Younger Brother Tyson. 

Following the Sacrament Meeting, we were extremely grateful for all of his Friends, Family and Ward Members who joined for Taco’s, Refried Beans, Deserts and just a ton of food for both welcoming home Taylor as well as sending off Tanner.  It was marvelous to see such great support and love from everyone.

On Monday night July 30, Tanner was set apart by our Stake President Kent Brown followed by his brother Taylor giving him his Missionary Plaque (Name Tag) and telling him that it was now his turn!