I know I have many questions to answer and I will do my best to answer them. Once my airplane landed in Mexico City, Elder Wells, Elder Underwood and I got off the plane and walked into the airport. We got our luggage, filled out some Visa paperwork and then we were greeted by two Elders. They took us to some buses which we boarded. I sat next to Elder Smith. We both looked out the window at the Mexican Streets. Here in Mexico people simply don’t care about traffic laws or even blinkers. There are a lot of horns and yelling.
We arrived here at the CCM and met our Companions. My Companion is Elder Niccum. He is from Alpine; Utah and he was the QB for Lone Peak High School. After meeting him we went to our dorm. We then met Elder Conover from Denver, Elder Williams from Phoenix Lake, California, Elder Kasteler from Draper Utah, Elder Loveless from North Carolina, Elder McCubbins, Elder Rawlin from Clearfield Utah, and also, I met up with Elder Wells who is from Salt Lake City Utah. This is also my whole District. After eating dinner, we met the Sisters from our District which are Sister Holmes from North Carolina and Sister Fagatoa from an island off of Fiji.
Anyways, that’s an introduction to my District. We all get along very well and I love them. I want to focus mainly on Spiritual things in this letter because those are the most important to me and for others to hear.
The CCM is a special place and there’s a very special Spirit here. Each day I go to bed with a full heart and teary eyes, even though each night there’s almost nonstop sirens and dogs barking. Being in the dorm right next to the wall doesn’t help either! However, through all that I am still able to feel the Spirit each night and get a good nights sleep. On the second day, we were in our classroom practicing our Spanish when the President of the CCM walks in. He put a chair in the middle of the room and asked Sister Fagatoa to come sit in it. He then asked all the Elders in my District to come up. Not knowing what we were doing, we all walked up. He told us to form a circle around her. We then put our hands on each other’s backs, my hand on the Presidents and Elder Nickum’s hand on my back. We all then put our right hands on top of her head and set her apart as a Full Time Missionary (I don’t know why she was not yet one). We all cried as we shook her hand. That was one of the most powerful Priesthood experiences I have ever had. I could feel the Lords power flow through all of us.
Unfortunately, if I were to write about every experience I have had I would never stop writing so I’ll share one more. Elder Conover is by far the most spiritual person I have ever met. During a devotional about Jesus Christs Atonement, he began writing in his journal. He did so for over an hour, until we returned to our dorm. Once he was done he read it to Elder Niccum, Elder Williams and I. He told us that they weren’t his words and that it was inspired. I believe him and I’ll send a picture of it. Once he was done reading we were all speechless and in tears. We took the story to the President and we think he has a plan for it because its amazing. I implore everyone to read it.
In closing, I would like to say that a Mission is the hardest thing I have ever done! However, its worth every ounce of sweat, blood, and tears. I know this is where I am supposed to be. I bear testimony that my District was a blessing from the Lord. I know I knew them in the premortal life and that we were preordained by God to serve the people of Pachuca. (Me, Niccum, Williams, Conover, both Sister Holmes and Sister Fagatoa, also Wells are going to Pachuca; Kasteler, Loveless, McCubbins are going to Puebla). I have personally grown to know Jesus Christ more in this week than my entire life. I know he Lives and one day “I will wet his feet with my tears.” I love being a missionary. I love my family. I love my friends.
Elder Fawcett
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1 August 2018 CCM Group |
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Setting Apart Sister Fagatoa |