Hola Everyone:
So, this week went by super-fast and honestly it was sort of
boring! But the first thing I want to
say is that I got transferred today and so did my Companion Elder Bodegas. Yeah, we were able to get 3 baptism’s in this
area, but President Kimball decided to close it again from having missionaries.
Before I tell you about transfers, I will tell you how the
rest of the week went! So, on Tuesday, I
went on interchanges with Elder Thorpe and worked in his area for the day. It was pretty fun and we were able to contact
a bunch of people. On Wednesday, we had
our last District Meeting and we celebrated the “death” of Hermana Manley as she
went home this transfer. We made the
meeting like a funeral which was pretty cool.
On Thursday, I went in interchanges with Elder Fausett. We worked in my area for the day and had a
pretty great time and worked hard.
On Friday, we got a phone call from the Assistants telling
us that the decision had been made to close our area and that both of us were getting
transferred out! So, we both started
packing up everything in the house. In
addition to packing everything up in the house, we also had to clean up
everything since we were closing down this area.
On Saturday, we went to the Church to watch General
Conference and for all the English speakers, they put us in a little room where
we could watch it in English. Conference
was really good, but honestly, I was surprised that there were no big changes
this time. We had all heard they were
making changes to the missionary program, but I guess not this time.
So now for transfers. I have been transferred to Tulancingo
and my new Companion is Elder Perez who is from Lima Peru. Honestly, it was pretty hard to say goodbye
to Elder Bodegas. We have become great friends and he is the best comp I have
had! Anyway, this morning I got on the bus
and traveled East to Tulancingo which is about 50 Km east of Pachuca. After I got to Tulancingo, I waited a little
while for my new companion and member to pick me up in their car and off we
went to my new home. I will tell you
more about the area and my new home next week.
I love being a missionary and serving the people of Mexico!
Elder Fawcett
Our Last District Meeting |
Funeral Ceremony! |
Goodbye Hermana Manley! |
Our Hermana's! |
Watching General Conference |
The English Speakers! |