Wow a lot has happened! I will do my best to remember everything. So, last Monday morning we got up around 3:30 a.m. and we made sure we had everything packed. Then we went to wait for our bus. The bus got to the CCM around 5 a.m. We loaded our stuff and left for the airport. Once at the Airport/Bus Terminal, we unloaded and went inside. We waited for about an hour until it was time for our Puebloan Part of our District to leave. We said goodbye and then waited for our bus. Once it got to the Terminal, we loaded and left for Pachuca. I fell asleep on the bus along with everyone else. The bus was really nice and it was about an hour and a half bus ride.
We arrived at the Pachuca Main Bus Stop and were greeted by President and Sister Kimball. They loaded us in cars and took us to see a few of Pachuca’s sights. We took a picture in front of the clock tower. We then drove to a Church where the Mission Office is. They had these things called pastels waiting for us to eat. We all sat in a room and talked a little about the mission. Next, they started doing interviews with the President. They took the Sisters in first. Each interview was about 20 minutes, so I waited for about 3 hours before it was my turn. When I went in, the President shined my shoes for me and then took me to meet my new Companion. He is Latino and his name is Elder Castro from Puebla, Mexico.
Elder Castro and I then took a taxi to the Bus stop and then rode a bus about an hour away from Pachuca. We got off in a city named Tecamac. Tecamac is more on the hood side even so for Mexico. We got off the bus and took a taxi to our house. Our house is very small and is fairly nice compared to most houses around Tecamac.
The next day we jumped right into it! We went contacting and ate at members houses. This is how most of our days go. We are struggling to find investigators. We walk the streets for hours and knock on doors. Doors here in Mexico are different. Their doors are mostly just a steel gate. Some have doorbells, but they don’t really work. So, we use a peso and tap on the steel gate. They then shout “Quien” and that’s when we start contacting. Not a ton of people want to hear us and if they do, I don’t know what they are saying.
Time for some of the interesting stories for this week. My Companion is the District Leader. So, on Friday he went with another District Leader to Pachuca. I went on splits with his Comp. This was nice because he’s fluent in both Spanish and English. We went to an appointment he had (we were in his District) with some investigator. Now he warned me before that one of them was a 20-year-old prostitute. So, we went in and started teaching. I just sat there because I don’t understand very much. I start hearing a few words I know in Spanish like coffee, drugs and cigarettes. The Elder I am with, hurried and takes out the Word of Wisdom pamphlet and we leave. After, he tells me that it was a good time to leave and I asked why. He said that we were offered drugs, coffee, cigarettes and “prostitutional services.” I had no idea because my Spanish is very poor. So that’s what my first lesson was like.
So, the other fun experiences I had this week is that this weekend is like Mexico’s Independence Day. It’s on September 15. Our whole Zone went to the Stake Center for the big LDS Party they were throwing. President was there and we took pictures. I got to see some of my CCM friends which I really needed because this week has hit me very hard with homesickness. At the party, they did Mexican Classic Dances on stage and most of us missionaries talked. I also had some of the “Nacho Libre” corn which was really good.
So that’s a little about my week. My spiritual though for this week is Prayer. As I said, I have had the hardest week of my life. I have felt pretty alone because I can’t speak Spanish. It has been very hard. I have often thought what I could do to feel better. I then thought to pray. I have prayed my heart out this week and it has helped a ton. Even though I still feel lonely, I know the Lord is with me. I challenge everyone who reads this, to pray day and night. If we don’t pray, we aren’t building a relationship with the Lord. We will fall away without even knowing it. It’s important to pray and read the scriptures every day. The Lord loves us. He wants to help us in our lives. We just need to invite him in and ask for help. We need to be solid members of this church and not just go to say we went. I love you all! Remember to choose the right!
Elder Fawcett
(Lots of pictures since I didn't send any last week!)
Last Bit of the CCM and My Teachers
Meeting My Trainer
Mexican Independence Day Celebration
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