Well, it's been a busy week. We've worked extremely hard this week and everything has been going good with my new Companion, Elder McBreaitry. After he got here last week, we sat down and kind of decided to start over from scratch with this area. We still have some existing investigators, but Elder Castro liked to work mostly with referrals so we have decided now to start working more on getting contacts off of the street. In our mission, we are supposed to get 15 contacts a day and we have been working really hard on doing that. In fact, I am getting super tan because we have been out on the street so much this week and it is still hot here so it is too bad to hear how cold it is back home!
So, one of the people we contacted this week is a guy in his 30’s who got caught up in the drug cartel stuff that goes on down here. So, a while back, he left his family because of the drugs and now he is homeless and has been selling the things he has just to survive but he is starting to run out of things to sell. He actually came to church yesterday and we gave him some of the clothes that we have found in our house while cleaning up this past week that have been left by other missionaries. While teaching him, he has told us how much he regrets his decision to leave his girlfriend and daughter and he really wants to go back to them. In working with the Bishop, we are working on getting him a bus ticket so that he can go home!
Besides contacting, one of our existing investigators we've been visiting with is Angela. She's nice and she really likes the lessons. She’s really open to all that we have taught her, but the problem is she won't come to church. We've extended the invitation multiple times and she still just hasn't come to church. We actually invited many people to come to church this past week, but most of them did not show up. In order for our investigators to qualify for baptism, they need to attend church three times. Since we are still doing the Ironman 212 baptisms goal in the Mission, today was the first day they needed to come to church to be part of the Ironman for this month. Anyway, I don't know if you guys remember the lady that I told you about a few weeks ago that we followed home in order to give her a blessing, their names are Lacero and Filomina and they are really receptive to our message and things with them are going pretty good but it is really hard to get both her and her husband home at the same time so we can teach them.
So, as far as investigator go, we have quite a few and I haven’t told you about a lot of them but they just will not come to Church in order to progress. Coming to Church is like the second thing an investigator needs to do in order to progress behind praying but for some reason they just will not come! They like for us to come over and teach them but most of them are just not progressing very well and it is sort of frustrating. If they don’t start coming, we are unfortunately going to have to dump some of them because we don’t have time for investigators that do not progress.
So as for Montes Dos, the split off of this Area, the two missionaries over there are Elders Reese from Coalville Utah and he is going home on 14 January 2019 so this will be his last change. His Companion is Elder Moreno from Chile and he has blonde hair and is super white and came into the Mission the same time I did but doesn’t speak any English. Anyway, they eat lunch with us everyday and as we walk around with them, although only 3 of us are American, with him being blonde and white, they think we are all Gringos!
So, a few interesting things coming up this next week, so I learned that our Zone won the Baptismal challenge for this past change so as a reward, this coming Friday, we get to go to Pachuca to play baseball at the Penitentiary with a bunch of prisoners! So, yea, that should be pretty interesting getting to play baseball with a bunch of Mexican prisoners who are in there for doing who knows what so that is this coming Friday! Also, we have our next Zone Conference coming up where we might find out about the new Mission President that will be taking over in July.
I love being a missionary and serving the awesome people of Mexico!
Elder Fawcett
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My New Companion, Elder McBreaitry |