So, this past week was really great! Last Monday after writing home, we went and hung out at the Church as a Zone. We played frisbee, ate pizza and just sort of messed around so that was pretty fun. On Tuesday, we had Zone Conference and that was also pretty cool. President Kimball always has a good message and we were able to have a tower building contest which my group won. Also, we talked a little bit about Christmas and how all of that was going to go.
As for our investigators. So, on Sunday night, we met with the Bishop about Imburto who is the homeless guy that I told you about last week. We have been teaching him a lot this past week but we have also been working on getting a Bus ticket for him so he can go home. He is someone that would definitely get baptized here but we arranged with the Bishop to send him back home on Tuesday so we will give his information to the missionaries there and they and finish teaching him! Angela came to Church yesterday for the first time with her husband who has not been to Church for like 10 years so that was really great because we were almost to the point to where we were going to have to drop them. Now we are going to continue teaching her and work on getting her and husband married with they have to do before she can get baptized.
Lacero and Filomina are progressing. Lacero is the one that wasn’t home last time when we tried to teach him. He said that he wasn’t home because after reading the Book of Mormon he had a strong desire to go drinking. So, he started drinking again after being sober for three months. He started relapsing and drinking every day. We are working with him to overcome it and we are going to try to give him the 12-step plan that the Church does. Filomina and their son are doing great. We just are hoping to get them to come to Church, but it’s hard for them because they work. It makes it difficult sometimes when your investigators work on Sunday and can’t make it to Church. Most of them work at the markets, which makes it hard to get them to Church.
Next, we have Erica and Allen who are progressing investigators too because they came to Church today for the very first time. They sat with my Companion during Sacrament Meeting while I sat with Angela. We anticipate that they will be setting a baptism date soon.
Another one of our investigators is Elizabeth. We aren’t sure how much longer she’ll be one of our investigators due to the fact that she lives in a different area. Her husband and kids come to our Ward because the husband was baptized in our Ward before they changed the area a long time ago. He still lives with his parents because there are issues between him and his wife. So, we aren’t sure what will happen there. So that’s it for the investigator update. We have many more investigators, but the ones I mention are doing great and progressing.
We are still rat free and finally have food back in our house which is really nice. Its nice to be able to walk into our kitchen and see food. It’s great!!
So, remember how I told you guys in the last letter that we were going to play baseball with the prisoners on Friday as a reward! Well I went to Pachuca on Friday but we actually got our reward on Saturday but we didn’t’ get to go and play with the prisoners because the First Presidency denied it twice when the Seventy over our area proposed it to them. So, we went to an orphanage instead and played wiffle ball with them. That was a really cool experience to be able to share some time with the kids there who have nothing and have a little fun with them! On Friday since I was in Pachuca, I was able to do some contacting up there and it was neat because it was in a really safe area compared to mine and it had bikes. So, I got to ride a bike all day long and that was really cool! I hope my next area is a biking area although I have heard quite a few missionaries have gotten hurt and have broken jaws, noses, teeth and have gotten cut pretty bad.
In closing, as I said before, we talked about Christmas at our Zone Conference this past week. I am excited to call home next week but mentally, I am in a really good place with myself right now so I am really going to try and keep the focus on the mission that I have been able to get! This year I get to spend Christmas with my Zone Family and we are going to be watching Elf and exchanging White Elephant Gifts. I Love being a missionary and serving the people of Mexico.
Elder Fawcett
Elder's Reese, McBreaitry, Moreno and Fawcett Being a Missionary Doesn't Mean Sometimes You Can't Eat Good! |
Zone Conference
Baseball With the Orphans
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