Well this week has been really normal and we haven’t had anything too crazy happen. It has really been hot here like it normally is so hopefully all of you back home are starting to enjoy some cooler temperatures.
This past week, we have been continuing to do a lot of contacting of inactive members with the active members and honestly there really has not been anything of interest happen to really report on. This past week, the Bishops Dad did give us a referral that actually did come to Church. His name is Demetrio and he is an older gentleman. He seems to really like the Church and we were able to teach him the first lesson and things went really well with that so we are hoping that he starts to really progress.
Also this past Sunday, we had a Mom that we contacted, Nancy, come to Church with her daughter. We taught both of them the 1st lesson as well. They seemed really great and I felt like I needed to extend the offer of baptism to them which they accepted so we have a date for them on 12 Oct.
Yesterday was Noche Del Grito which was pretty cool and is basically the kickoff to their Independence Day from Spain. They party in the streets and in the center of town and throw confetti filled eggs at each other. It was really neat and then later in the evening, they all shouted Viva Mexico which just means long live Mexico.
Well, I still really love it here in Mexico and can’t believe how fast time is going. It seems like P-Day comes around faster and faster each week. I hope everyone has a great week.
Elder Fawcett