Hola Everyone,
It’s hard to believe it’s P-day once again. For our Zone
activity today, we went one last time to Teotihuacan. We were able to get some
fun souvenirs that we haven’t seen anywhere else like a jaguar whistle, a chess
set and a poncho. You’d think that they would have souvenirs everywhere, but
they don’t. Just in the tourist places. We took the Book of Mormon tour again
which explains the history and the descendants of the Lamanites. It’s a fun place to visit. We will miss not
having it in our mission anymore.
With that being said, I’ll explain. So, to give you all a
little bit of background of why Teotihuacan won’t be in my mission any more. We
had Zone Conference this past week and lots of changes were announced. The
Mexico Pachuca mission has nine stakes in it. It usually includes part of the
state of Pueblo, part of the state of Mexico and most of Hidalgo which is
mostly Pachuca. The Church has decided that it is going to cut out Tecamac which
is in the state of Mexico and the first area that I served in here. It includes Montes, Jardines and Teotihuacan. They
will now be in the Mexico East Mission. They will be taking out all the
missionaries from the Pachuca Mission out of those areas. That change will be
happening at the end of the month. The missionaries that are there now will be
showing the missionaries from the Mexico East Mission around the area on
Saturday. The last day for them down there is Sunday. They are going to have
one giant baptism for all their investigators that they have been teaching. So
far there are going to be 35 people who will be baptized. We are expecting about 32 missionaries to come
to Pachuca next transfer and so we will be opening new areas. So, basically the
big news was that Teotihuacan was being cut out of our mission.
As far as other changes, there were a few to P-day rules. We
can now go to the computers anytime on P-days. There is no longer a time limit
on writing, but we need to be out working by six.
Also, this past week, we were contacting and we found some
inactive families. One of them is the
Hernandez Family. They are a family of five and they are older. They went
inactive because they didn’t know where the Church was. So, we told them where
the Church was and invited them to come, but they didn’t come yesterday. We are sad about that. We are going to visit
them and see what we can do to reactive them. The other family is the Luna
Family. They have a daughter who is 12 who has not yet been baptized. We are
hoping to activate them so that the daughter can be baptized. They did come to Church
and we have appointments set up with them. We are going to work with them and
do what we can to help them.
Elder Bodegas and I have been working hard and President
Kimball is happy with us and the progress we are making. The area we are in has historically been a
really hard area and in the short time we have been here, we have already seen
3 baptisms and all 3 of them are doing great.
Francisco is attending the other Ward and he is doing great and Teresa
and Jorge come to church every week and are also doing great.
Well, it is getting even hotter here but I am doing great
and I love being a missionary! I am
learning so much and I appreciate the time I have to serve the Lord!
Elder Fawcett
Zone Conference |
Elders Bodegas and Fawcett |
Teaching |
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Learning!! |
Oxen Pull Activity |
Top of My Area |
City Below |
Roof Tops |
Long Walk Up |
P-Day Activity |
Parking Lot |
Picture of Teotihuacan |
Our Guide |
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My District |
Wouldn't Be Surprised if He Wore it Home! |